The MoBster Diaries

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Of flowers and preachers and MoBster dresses: The Plot Thickens

Bit of wedding flurry this week touching on several important topics.

I've been nagging Kate for weeks to finalize preachin' negotiations with Harry, the former rector of our parish (now Rector Emeritus, which sounds rather painful) who baptized her. He's had it on his calendar since last August, but Kate still needed to touch base and work out the details. We have to use one of the current clergy at the church - whoever's on rotation - but we gave 'em a big heads-up as far as who would do the preachin' and vow-officiating. OK, so Kate did call Harry this week to ensure all is well on that front. Check.

And the wedding planner's been pushing Kate to make a decision regarding a florist. Since All Saints' has a Flower Guild unsurpassed in the annals of flower guild-ness, I suggested she call on our friend David Lowe who's an old hand at trickin' out the church for various and sundry occasions. He's one of about 50, but he has his own business, and can do right by the church and by Kate. We set that up, and Kate's meeting with him on Monday. Check.

Oh, dear. Mother of the Bride dress. I'm searching, searching. I see bits and pieces of what I want here and there, but not quite it exactly. So I decided to check out dress patterns online and found a couple of Vogue patterns that would be lovely. If I can find someone to make the dress, I can find gorgeous fabric here in New York around 7th Avenue, so maybe I'll do that. Kate likes what I've chosen but also suggested we check out Nordstrom's next time I get to Atlanta. I still have a few months to decide. And I want to give my WeightWatchers foray a chance to slim me down a bit.

Oh, yeah. And I sent off the rest of the down-payment for Kate's dress. Now she can go for final measuring and the dress construction can begin

A busy pre-wedding week, indeed.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Let's Hear It For Clemson!

Relax, dear wedding attendees. We'll have The Varsity all to ourselves on the Big Day.

According to the newly-posted Georgia Tech football schedule for 2008, Tech will be in South Carolina playing Clemson on Saturday, October 18. Woo-hoo!

So the angst mentioned in my earlier post about fighting hoardes of Tech football fans to get to All Saints' Church (2 blocks from campus) on the day of the wedding was all for nought.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Proposal

Well, Kate's sister Suzanne finally passed along the proposal moment as it happened at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland (August 2007). Can't see daughter's face for the hat, but I think we get what's going on, right? And ain't it grand?

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