Oh, those little pimento cheese sandwiches!
We got our fill of wonderful cheesey food (and I mean that in a good way) at Bride-to-Be’s second shower, hosted by dear friends Kack and Allison. We call this our “church ladies” shower, as most of the attendees were friends from church. Believe me, these are not the Dana Carvey/Church Lady types. This is a fun, raucous, appropriately and charmingly wicked group.
But back to the food. And drink. The shower was touted as a “tea party.” With wine, of course. (We’re Episcopalians, after all.) And the tea was good, old fashioned sweet iced tea. That goes best with all the delicate cheese-infused treats. The spread couldn’t been lovelier or more delish.
I like these modern bridal showers - good conversation, a chance to catch up with friends, no silly party games. And alcohol.
The biggest change I think is that gift-opening is no longer a test of the Bride-to-Be's ability to think on her feet (or rear-end, as she's usually sitting down). In the olden days it was sheer torture to sit there and unwrap three or four identical chafing dishes or water pitchers, having to act surprised and think up something original to say for each one. Aargh! But thanks to more in-depth bridal registry, no one need show up with the same gift as four of your closest friends. So the gift-opening was fun and delightful. And the Bride-to-Be was truly grateful for each and every wonderful present.
And did I mention those little pimento cheese sandwiches?