The MoBster Diaries

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Wedding Children

Back in the beginning of the the wedding process, Bride had a few angst moments over whether or not to invite children to the wedding and dinner reception. She worried babies would cry or children act up at the wrong time during the wedding service and distract from the moment at hand.

As for the reception, she had reservations about having to pay $50-60 a head for a kid who wouldn't eat the food anyway.

Well, somewhere in the middle of all the invitations it was decided that, yes indeed, children would be welcome at this wedding. And aren't we glad we changed our minds, hm?

The kiddos and the parents behaved themselves, though a couple were taken out during the ceremony. And those children were the most enthusiastic dancers at the reception. Why, they danced right along with Bride and Groom during the first dance, which was simply delightful.

So if you're planning a wedding, by all means include the little ones. They are just hilarious and are always in a party-mood.

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