The MoBster Diaries

Friday, August 23, 2013

Organizing is Half the Battle

Well, maybe not half, but at least a third of the battle. Here is a  great way to organize large assortments of things - in this case, pens and art supplies. Find an over-the-door shoe organizer with clear pockets.

All the pens for Elegant Scribbles handwriting and addressing service were jumbled into various containers. I never knew which colors or pen types I had a my disposable without dumping everything onto the floor and pawing through them.

Enter the clear shoe organizer, and voila! Now when a client asks for a project written in spring green or metallic gold, I can easily check to see if I have the pens on hand or whether I need to make a quick trip to Sam Flax.

But think of all the kinds of things you can organize using this handy over-the-door contraption! All I need now is more doors to hang them on.

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