The MoBster Diaries

Thursday, October 18, 2007

This time next year . . .

. . . I hope we'll be sleeping in, all wedding preparations running as planned. But we probably won't be.

Yes, the Big Day is one year from today. The good news is that next year is a Leap Year, so we get an extra day to make it happen.

The plans are going smoothly so far.

The dress decision has been made. On one hand, this is good - no more bridal salons! On the other, I'm still in the squirreling-away-the-wedding-funds mode and wasn't expecting to have to come up with half the cost of the dress this soon. Anybody got any odd jobs they need doing between now and November 16?

At any rate, the church and reception site are booked, wedding planner on board, dress found, wedding invitation list well-honed - so I think we're doing pretty well. As someone told Kate the other day, we've got the big stuff done up front, so relax and enjoy it for a while.

So I will relax and enjoy it for a while (once I scrape together the dress down-payment). Because who knows what kind of glorious chaos will be in full-throttle a year from today?

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