The MoBster Diaries

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Priestly Connection

It meant a lot to Bride and MoB that the priest who baptized Bride in August of 1983 was allowed to help with her wedding ceremony. When Kate was growing up, Harry was like a grandfather to her. In short, their connection is very strong. She was thrilled that he got to do wedding homily and the blessing of the rings.

The homily stressed the importance of humor and wonder in marriage. It was full of love. (And, no, he didn't write it down, so I can't post it here.)

Before the wedding I emailed Harry the picture of him holding Baby Kate after her baptism. His wife Allison remarked, "They both look so young!"

Well, granted, Kate has grown, but I don't think Harry's changed all that much over the past 25 years. At his suggestion, Bride and Priest had a picture taken at the baptismal font, where she'd been welcomed into the household of God back in 1983.

Ah, the circle of life!

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